More Clips (by publication)
How ‘Deaf Broadway’ Is Making Musical Theater Loud and Clear (The Daily Beast)
The Banality of Otherness: On Stephenie Meyer’s “Midnight Sun” (The Los Angeles Review of Books)
‘We are everywhere’: How rural queer communities connect through storytelling (National Geographic)
This New Map Is Digitizing LGBTQ+ Travel Guides from the '60s and Beyond (Condé Nast Traveler)
T List 9/23/2020 - Queer Correspondence (T Magazine)
During the coronavirus outbreak, livestreamed ‘quarantine concerts’ provide a connection (Chicago Tribune)
For Chicago-area arts students in a coronavirus world remote learning is necessary, but there are many challenges (Chicago Tribune)
Church in a gay bar: Queer Chicagoans find ways to merge religion and identity (page 1 story)
Circus performers build a ‘Brave Space’ through the gift of risk
Plus-size burlesque troupe The Femme FATales is serving ‘fat liberation on a silver platter’
Trans Chicagoans relearn to construct their sound, for safety and artistic pursuits
Bring comedy show ‘Freshman’ your tired, your cringe-worthy, your terrible teenage art
About Face Youth Theatre’s ‘20/20’ is a living, breathing queer retrospective’
Would you come to Lollapalooza with your parents? These teens did. (page 1 story)
Portrait: Robert Andy Coombs ART ’20 (profile of yale photography student, whose work focuses on disability and sexuality)
Ready Patient One (feature about game technology in medicine)
“Vaginas Like Common Sewers”: The Turbulence of “Fucking A” (arts criticism of school production)
Beyond Acting (feature about local children’s comedy camp)
Elevated Thought (feature about art and social justice nonprofit)